A small update on my writing! After 2 years, I almost put on the final polish for my next short story. It did take quite a while. It has been work on and off, so it's not as if I was working on it straight day after day. I did wish that I could have finished it sooner, but that's okay. The next steps is to finalize the final edits, come up with a synopsis for the story, and figure out a cover design for the ebook.
In my last blog post, I finally reached a small milestone of 100 posts on this blog! I had been thinking of that goal for a long time, and if I was more diligent in updating the blog, I would have gotten to my self-imposed goal much sooner. The short one-shots that I've been writing on this blog has flexed my writing creativity when I felt that I needed some change from my novel or short stories, as well as I enjoy doing some reviews of movies that I liked. Here's to another 100 more (hopefully sooner than the last)!
I will be travelling across the country to Vancouver for the month of July, and then going to Tokyo and Sapporo afterwards before coming back home. It will be my first backpacking trip, so I'm excited to experience new things in brand new locations. I will be tagging along with my brother and sister-in-law. There is a story that is inspired by Japanese culture, so I will be taking notes and pictures to remember the feeling as I look back when writing. I am planning on trying to write daily blogs starting on June 25th (when I leave) to until I come back. I don't know if I can keep it up, but I am up for a challenge.
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