Flash Fiction #25

I've been thinking about my other projects (ie. my WIPs, my new project) the past couple of days (not including work), so I've been neglecting this blog. Sorry about that. I just thought of a new idea at this very moment... Hope you enjoy =)


Huff huff.

I have to get away as fast as possible.

In the middle of winter up north, goosebumps were everywhere on me due to the chilly wind and snow. I cursed under my breath, "It's a fricking blizzard!" I was in a hurry so I didn't take any jacket, and as I was running; I was clutching my stomach in pain. I glanced down to look at my bloody hand trying to apply pressure on my wound on the side of my lower torso. Even though it was so cold, my hand was so warm for a brief second each time a couple drops of blood left my body. Earlier in the day, I was kidnapped and tied up here in the middle of nowhere. I barely escaped after finding the perfect time, injuring one but they shot me as I scrambled away.

I gulped as I looked behind me to see if they were following me, and saw some of them right on my bloody tail with flashlights shining everywhere in the dark.

"Catch him! We can't let him escape!"

"We just follow the trail of blood, right?"

"Ensure he is alive, but kill him if he resists!"

It made me wish I was on good terms with my family before that day as I thought while running. When I was tired, I leaned against a pine tree panting hard. I laughed at the thought that I had participated on a marathon the previous year. It felt so long ago as my body grew more weary by the second. Then I saw a road up ahead and immediately sprinted with my last spurt of energy to try to get some help if there were any cars passing by. The flashlights were shining from behind me and their footsteps grew louder; so I knew this was my last chance at freedom.

There wasn't any cars when I reach the road, and looked both up and down the mountainside desperately. I started to run down to gain some distance from my predators. Then I heard a sound of a car revving from behind me. I immediately turned around and waved my free hand into the air while shouting, "Help! Help!"

The two lights that were becoming brighter got closer just as fast as before. When I knew it wasn't going to stop, I gave up hope because I was just plain tired.

As I closed my eyes due to the oncoming piercing head lights of the car, I whispered, "I'm sorry, mom and dad for everything."


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