Flash Fiction #11
Idea started by a writing prompt: "Begin the story with this sentence: When the phone rang at midnight I knew..." End the story with this sentence: "I should have trusted my instincts." ---- When the phone rang at midnight I knew who and what it was for. When the time came, I prayed it wouldn't happen and that my doubts from the past several months would remain unconfirmed. After staring at the wireless phone for five seconds in a pitch dark room, I reached over from the couch to the coffee table in the middle of the living room to answer the call. I asked, "David, is it what I told you earlier?" "What do you want to hear first? The good news, or bad news?" "There's a choice?" I replied with confusion, "Good news sound right at this moment." David start to chuckle to make light of the news, "You were over thinking everything as usual, so that's the good news." I wiped off a couple of drops o...