Flash Fiction #60

I found this writing prompt interesting! Hope you enjoy!

"Someone saves your life. As a show of gratitude, you tell them that they are always welcome in your house. Five years later, they die in an accident and appear as a ghost to take you up on your offer."



After a long day of work, all I wanted to do after getting home was pop open a beer and watch whatever was on TV as I fell asleep. To my surprise, my mouth dropped open as I closed the front door. There was a woman playing with my curtains in the living room. "Who are you? How did you get into my home?!"

She shrugged. "I don't know. When I woke up, I was on the couch."

"Whatever, that doesn't matter. I want you out right now!" I proceeded to grab her arm, but it went through her. "W-What just happen?" I tried again, but there was nothing to grab despite seeing her in front of me.

"Oh, this?" She looked at her arms, smiling. "I'm a ghost. I guess I died somewhere."

"Aren't you suppose to go to Heaven, or something? Why are you haunting me?"

"I wonder..." She looked up at the ceiling, pondering. Then she snapped her fingers with excitement. "I remember thinking that I didn't want to die and go to the afterlife. Though the question remains why did I come here? I thought that I would go back to my family."

"Exactly. We're just strangers." I nodded.

"But you do look familiar though. Are you sure we haven't met before?"

I took a closer look at the woman. She was certainly beautiful with her long straight black hair. Then I noticed her green eyes, and I said, "You're the one who saved me years ago. I was walking home late at night when some people ambushed me. They wanted all of my money and valuables, and I was in the process of giving them everything. That was until you open up your apartment window and yelled something."

"It's coming back to me too! I believe I said, 'I called the cops! Scram!'. You were incredibly grateful for the help."

"Yes, I was really thankful. Then I said that if you needed any help whatsoever, even if you needed somewhere to stay for a bit, my home would be open for you." I leaned back into the couch, realizing that everything made sense now.

"I guess that settles it. Living or not, you're welcome to stay here. I'm way too tired to think more about this. First thing tomorrow, we're going to have to figure out how to rest your spirits so you can go to the afterlife."

I stood up and got myself a beer. The woman smiled, "You're taking this in a calm manner, but thank you for letting me stay."

I stopped to turn around to look at her. "No problem, it's the least I can do." Then I continued into my room. Half of me expected it to be a dream or some part of me was feeling guilty about something, but if her ghost is still here in the morning, I'll help her rest in peace.


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