Alternative Ending to "A Love Too Late"

I'm satisfied with how A Love Too Late ended, and the overall story in general but when I was deciding whether to go for a happy ending or not for Jackie, I was stuck for a while. Then I wrote the current ending and thought it was fine the way it was. Looking at it from another perspective, it is a happy ending (for Joyce). It was also a little bit therapeutic since some of my experiences was used as inspiration for the story. It was some sort of a closure. Then a friend told me, "why not write an alternative ending", and I thought "why not?" Then I decided to write it on my blog to see whether what other people would think of it and compared to the canon ending. =) Hope you enjoy. In case you didn't know, this is under the assumption that you read the original short story and so spoilers are expected. ~~~ ### (Copy and pasted the last paragraph of one of the section to place it in the correct timeline) We bickered amongst each other as we got to th...