Flash Fiction #62
I was inspired by something that I watched recently. Hopefully, you enjoy it! ~~~ Today was supposed to be like any other day. Wake up. Eat. Go to work. Sleep. There was nothing in my work that could prepare me for this day. I leaned against the railing on the subway as it unfolded in front of my eyes. Blood splattered everywhere as chaos erupted from the panic. My body cowered in fear and frozen in place. I couldn't decide on what I wanted to do. My gut reaction was to run to the ends of the train, but that's where the zombies were biting everyone. I slunk down into a corner, hoping everything would go away. I looked across from me to see a little girl crying. I remembered seeing her and her mom board the train earlier. They were probably separated, and if I don't do anything, both of us will be killed as well. I clenched my fist, and gritted my teeth to confirm my resolution and courage to do what I needed to do. I was scared and have no idea what to do, but if I focus on...