My Experiences at Fan Expo 2015

I went to Fan Expo this year on Saturday, September 5, 2015 which runs from September 3-6. I didn't plan on going for the whole weekend, so I didn't think it was necessary to get the weekend pass to try to go on both Saturday and Sunday. Fan Expo happens every year near the end of the summer in Toronto at the Metro Convention Centre right beside the CN Tower and the Rogers Centre (formerly known as the Skydome). It's a place where Sci-Fi, Horror, Comics, Anime, and Gaming fans come together to hang out, cosplay, buy merchandise from retailers or from the artist alley, play some games, and/or attend panels. With that said, I don't believe you could see properly see everything on just one day but Saturday had a lot of the events so I decided to go when it was the busiest as usual. This wasn't my first Fan Expo that I went to as I think I went in 2012 and 2013. I don't remember if I did go in 2011... I have no recollection so let's leave it at that. I wa...